SCRATCH (fka KTAJ) ialah sebuah sekumpulan sukarela (volunteers) yang berkongsi minat dan saling bantu-membantu sesama ahli dalam menyelamatkan dan mengurangkan populasi haiwan jalanan.
Dana yang diperolehi adalah hasil sumbangan sesama ahli, org perseorangan dan hasil jualan amal yang dijalankan. SCRATCH tidak di taja oleh mana² badan atau organisasi.
· Kami tidak mempunyai pusat jagaan haiwan atau rumah perlindungan haiwan/shelter.· Kami tidak menyediakan perkhidmatan fostering, halfway home atau adopter.· Kami tidak menyediakan perkhidmatan transportation untuk haiwan² yang diselamatkan, kami cuma boleh membantu shout out bagi pihak rescuer.· Kami merupakan individu yang melakukan kerja amal secara sukarela, tapi bantuan kami bukan sepenuh masa.· Bantuan kami adalah terhad, bergantung kepada masa, tempat dan keadaan.
Sekiranya memerlukan bantuan kami untuk 'shout out' di page Facebook – Kucing Terbiar & Anjing Jalanan (KTAJ), sila hubungi kami di ktaj0311@gmail.com.
Sertakan nama penuh dan FB id anda, no telefon, gambar haiwan yg memerlukan bantuan dan jenis bantuan yg diperlukan untuk haiwan tersebut dalam bentuk 'write up'. Nama dan no telefon anda akan disiarkan bersama 'shout out' tersebut di page KTAJ di Facebook. Write up yang tidak lengkap atau tidak difahami tidak akan di layan.
1. SUBSIDI PEMANDULAN KUCING JALANAN yang membolehkan anda memandulkan kucing² jalanan pada yuran rendah di klinik haiwan yang terpilih sahaja.
* Anda digalakkan menggunakan perkhidmatan Klinik Kembiri SPCA-DBKL Setapak kerana mereka menawarkan yuran pemandulan yang paling rendah.
Subsidi ini terbuka kepada pemberi makan haiwan jalanan/feeder yang berpendapatan rendah/surirumah/pelajar yang ingin memandulkan haiwan² jalanan di kawasan mereka bagi mengawal populasi haiwan jalanan di kawasan tersebut.
Kami turut menawarkan subsidi ini kepada haiwan² jalanan yang di adopt dari KTAJ Online Adoption House di Facebook.
Untuk mendapatkan subsidi ini, sila emailkan kepada kami untuk mendapatkan BORANG SUBSIDI PEMANDULAN. Sertakan sekali gambar kucing² yang ingin dimandulkan.
Pemohon perlu bersetuju menjaga haiwan² jalanan ini sehingga sembuh dari pembedahan.
Maksimum Subsidi Pemandulan yang diberikan :
Kucing jantan RM50
Kucing Betina RM70
Kami juga menyediakan Subsidi Pemandulan untuk membantu memandulkan anjing-anjing jalanan :
Anjing Jantan RM70
Anjing Betina RM100
SCRATCH berhak untuk membatalkan subsidi serta-merta sekiranya terdapat penipuan atau info yang diberikan oleh pemohon didapati tidak benar.
2. BANTUAN RAWATAN PERUBATAN untuk haiwan jalanan yang di selamatkan di klinik-klinik yang terpilih sahaja.
a) Tiada bantuan yuran perubatan untuk haiwan peliharaan sendiri atau kucing-kucing yang bertuan.
b) Tiada bantuan untuk kes di bawah RM200.
c) Untuk kes di atas RM200, subsidi yang diberikan tidak lebih dari 50% daripada jumlah keseluruhan bayaran perubatan bergantung kepada kes dan jumlah dana yang kami.
d) Maksimum bantuan yang diberikan menggunakan dana kami ialah RM500 sahaja untuk setiap kes.
e) Rescuer juga perlu bertanggungjawab dan memainkan peranan untuk mengeluarkan bantuan kewangan untuk haiwan yg diselamatkan.
f) Rescuer perlu bertanggungjawab mengambil pulang haiwan² selepas rawatan dan mencari adopter baru untuk haiwan² yang diselamatkan.
g) Rescuer perlu bertanggungjawab menjaga haiwan² sepanjang tempoh rawatan sehingga ada adopter baru.
h) Bantuan bayaran rawatan perubatan yang kami sediakan hanya terhad kepada 'necessary medical treatment'. Tidak termasuk yuran grooming, dan boarding.
i) Sekiranya ada meminta bantuan dari NGO atau pihak lain, sila maklumkan kepada SCRATCH.
j) NGO lain (sama ada berdaftar atau tidak), CLUB PAGE di Facebook, FAN PAGE di Facebook yang boleh mendapatkan bantuan sendiri dengan 'shout out' di page masing-masing adalah TIDAK LAYAK mendapat bantuan subsidi dari Dana SCRATCH.
* Individu yang telah 'shout out' bantuan derma untuk kes yang dimaksudkan di Facebook NGO/Club/Fan Page di atas juga TIDAK LAYAK mendapat bantuan subsidi dari Dana SCRATCH.**Individu yang dipercayai ada kaitan (pengasas, admin, ahli biasa yang aktif) dengan kumpulan yang kami nyatakan di atas juga TIDAK LAYAK mendapat bantuan subsidi dari Dana SCRATCH.
3. Keutamaan bantuan diberikan kepada feeder yang aktif dan kami kenali dalam page KTAJ kami di Facebook. Ini bertujuan mengelakkan kami dari ditipu oleh pihak² tertentu yang ingin mengambil kesempatan.
4. Untuk bantuan pengiklanan haiwan² untuk adoption, sila emelkan gambar, nyatakan lokasi, umur dan jantina haiwan yg ingin diiklankan kepada ktaj.adoption@gmail.com. Sertakan nick fb anda untuk kami tag pada gambar tersebut lepas kami upload di KTAJ Online Adoption House.
Kami hanya bertindak sebagai rehomer/orang tengah/medium yang membantu mengiklankan untuk mencari tuan baru bagi kucing² yang ingin anda iklankan.
5. NGO lain (sama ada berdaftar atau tidak), CLUB PAGE di Facebook, FAN PAGE di Facebook yang boleh mendapatkan bantuan sendiri dengan 'shout out' di page masing-masing adalah TIDAK LAYAK mendapat bantuan subsidi dari Dana SCRATCH.
* Individu yang telah 'shout out' bantuan derma untuk kes yang dimaksudkan di Facebook NGO/Club/Fan Page di atas juga TIDAK LAYAK mendapat bantuan subsidi dari Dana SCRATCH.** Individu yang dipercayai ada kaitan (pengasas, admin, ahli biasa yang aktif) dengan kumpulan yang kami nyatakan di atas juga TIDAK LAYAK mendapat bantuan subsidi dari Dana SCRATCH.
1. Kucing yang ingin dimandulkan perlu mencapai umur 4 bulan dan ke atas bagi betina, dan 5 bulan ke atas bagi jantan. Berat kucing tersebut hendaklah sekurang-kurangnya 1.5kg dan TIDAK melebihi 4.5kg.
2. Semua sesi pemandulan perlu menepati tarikh dan masa yang SCRATCH tetapkan. Anda perlu membawa sendiri kucing² yang ingin dimandulkan ke klinik yang telah kami pilih.
3. Kucing berada dalam keadaan sihat dan TIDAK bunting.
4. Kucing yang ingin dimandulkan perlu dipuasakan 12 jam SEBELUM pembedahan.
5. Semua sesi pemandulan perlu menepati tarikh dan masa yang SCRATCH tetapkan. Anda perlu membawa sendiri kucing² yang ingin dimandulkan ke klinik yang telah kami pilih.
6. Semua kucing yang dimandulkan perlu di bawa pulang pada hari yang sama.
7. Kucing² yang dimandulkan perlu di kurung sekurangnya 5 hari untuk kucing jantan dan 7 hari untuk kucing betina untuk memastikan luka pembedahan kering dan sembuh sepenuhnya sebelum di lepaskan semula ke tempat asal / diserahkan kepada tuan baru.
8. Sekiranya berlaku komplikasi selepas pembedahan, sila beritahu kami dan bawa kucing tersebut ke vet yang menjalankan pemandulan.
9. Sila pantau kucing² yang telah dimandulkan dari masa ke semasa.
Bantuan kewangan dan subsidi SCRATCH bergantung kepada dana semasa yang dimiliki.
Polisi SCRATCH akan sentiasa berubah dari masa ke semasa, bergantung kepada kes dan situasi tertentu.
NGO lain (sama ada berdaftar atau tidak), CLUB PAGE di Facebook, FAN PAGE di Facebook yang boleh mendapatkan bantuan sendiri dengan 'shout out' di page masing-masing adalah TIDAK LAYAK mendapat bantuan subsidi dari Dana SCRATCH.
* Individu yang telah 'shout out' bantuan derma untuk kes yang dimaksudkan di Facebook NGO/Club/Fan Page di atas juga TIDAK LAYAK mendapat bantuan subsidi dari Dana SCRATCH.** Individu yang dipercayai ada kaitan (pengasas, admin, ahli biasa yang aktif) dengan kumpulan yang kami nyatakan di atas juga TIDAK LAYAK mendapat bantuan subsidi dari Dana SCRATCH.
Semua borang permohonan dan resit perlu tiba di meja kami selewatnya 14 hari dari tarikh resit dikeluarkan.
SCRATCH berhak untuk membatalkan atau menarik balik bantuan serta-merta sekiranya terdapat penipuan atau info yang diberikan oleh pemohon didapati tidak benar.
SCRATCH (fka KTAJ) is a group of volunteers who share mutual interests and to help one another in saving and reducing the population of stray animals.
Funds raised were donated by fellow members, individuals and from Charity sales. SCRATCH is not sponsored by anybody or organization.
If you need our help to 'shout out' on our Kucing Terbiar & Anjing Jalanan (KTAJ) Facebook page regarding strays, injured and homeless animals, please contact us at ktaj0311@gmail.com.
1. STERILISATION SUBSIDY ON STRAY CATS that allow you to spay/neuter an animal at a lower fee at selected VETS.
All application forms and receipts must reach us within 14 days of issued.
4. Priority is given to support an active feeder whom we know in our KTAJ page on Facebook. This is to prevent from fraud from opportunists.
5. For us to help advertise cats for adoption, please email a photo, specific location, age and sex of animals you want to be advertised at 'ktaj.adoption@gmail.com'. Include your FB identification for us to ‘tag’ you in the file that we uploaded in KTAJ Online Adoption House.
We only act as a Rehomer / Mediator / Medium to help advertise and find a new owner for the cats that you want to advertise.
6. Other NGOs (registered or not),Club Pages on Facebook & Fan Pages on Facebook who are able to procure donations on their own page by shouting out to their supporters & fans are NOT ALLOWED to apply for any subsidy from the SCRATCH Medical Fund.
1. Cats eligible to be neutered must have attained the age of at least 4 months and above for females and 5 months for males. Cats must weigh at least 1.5kg but NOT more than 4.5 kg.
2. All sterilization appointments should meet SCRATCH date and time specified. You need to bring the cats personally for neutering at the clinics stated.
3. Cats must be healthy and NOT pregnant.
4. Cats to be neutered should be put on fast for at least 12 hours BEFORE surgery.
5. All cats are to be taken home by rescuer on the same day after successful surgery.
6. In the event of complications after surgery, please let us know and you are required to send the cat to a vet for further tests.
7. Neutered Male cats must be caged for at least 5 days and 7 days for Spayed Female cats for the wound to heal before releasing it to its original place or delivered to their new owners.
8. Please monitor the cats that has been neutered from time to time.
Financial assistance and subsidies from SCRATCH currently depend on the fund available.
SCRATCH policy will change without notice from time to time, depending on the cases in a particular situation.
SCRATCH (fka KTAJ) is a group of volunteers who share mutual interests and to help one another in saving and reducing the population of stray animals.
Funds raised were donated by fellow members, individuals and from Charity sales. SCRATCH is not sponsored by anybody or organization.
· We do not have any animal care center or any animal shelter.
· We do not provide fostering services, halfway homes or adopters.
· We do not provide transportation services for rescued or injured animals, we can only help to 'shout out' for volunteers.
· We are individuals doing voluntary charity work and we are not full-time. Our help is limited depending on the time, place and circumstances.
If you need our help to 'shout out' on our Kucing Terbiar & Anjing Jalanan (KTAJ) Facebook page regarding strays, injured and homeless animals, please contact us at ktaj0311@gmail.com.
your full name, FB identification, phone number and types of assistance
required for the animals in the form of 'write up'. Names and telephone
numbers will be published together with a 'shout out' on the KTAJ page.
Incomplete write ups and lack of information will not be entertained.
1. STERILISATION SUBSIDY ON STRAY CATS that allow you to spay/neuter an animal at a lower fee at selected VETS.
* You are encouraged to use the services of the SPCA and Klinik Kembiri-KL City Hall because they offer the lowest fees.
subsidy is opened to the Feeders of stray animals / Low income Feeders /
housewives / students who wish to neuter stray animals in their area to
control homeless animal population in that particular area.
We also offer a subsidy to the animals in the Adoption Drive from KTAJ Online Adoption House on Facebook.
get this subsidy, please write to us. We will provide you Cat
Sterilisation Subsidy Application Form. Email us with all information
for us to take action. Include pictures of animals that are to be
Maximum subsidy for Neutering :
Male cat RM50
Female cat RM70
We also provided Neutering Subsidy for stray dogs :
Male dog RM70
Female dog RM100
has the right to cancel the subsidy immediately if proven there is a
fraud or information provided by the applicant is found to be false.
2. MEDICAL ASSISTANCE are provided for saved stray animals at selected clinics only.
a) No medical fee assistance for home pets.
b) No assistance for cases below RM200.
For cases above RM200, subsidies will not be more than 50% of the total
medical bill depending on cases and the amount of fund available.
d) The maximum grant awarded from our fund is RM500 only.
e) Rescuers should also play a role in providing financial aid to the rescued animals
f) Rescuers should be responsible to remove the animals after treatment and find new adopters for the rescued animals.
g) Rescuers should be responsible to look after the animals during the post-treatment until fine new adopters.
We provide limited support costs of medical treatment to 'necessary
medical treatment' only. Excludes grooming fees, and boarding.
i) Kindly inform us if you also apply for financial assistance from other organizations.
j) Other NGOs (registered or not),Club Pages on Facebook & Fan Pages on Facebook who are able to procure donations on their own page by shouting out to their supporters & fans are NOT ALLOWED to apply for any subsidy from the SCRATCH Medical Fund.
i) Kindly inform us if you also apply for financial assistance from other organizations.
j) Other NGOs (registered or not),Club Pages on Facebook & Fan Pages on Facebook who are able to procure donations on their own page by shouting out to their supporters & fans are NOT ALLOWED to apply for any subsidy from the SCRATCH Medical Fund.
* Individuals who has also shouted out for donations on the pages of NGO/Club/Fan pages as mentioned above are also not qualified to receive any subsidy from the SCRATCH Medical Fund.k) All application forms and receipts must reach us within 14 days of issued.
** Individuals believed to have connections to the groups mentioned above ie. founder,admins,active volunteers) are also not qualified to receive any subsidy from the SCRATCH Medical Fund.
a) Below RM750 – only from one fund, subject to a maximum of 50%.
b) From RM750 to RM1500 – up to two funds, subject to a maximum total joint subsidy of 60%.
a) Below RM750 – only from one fund, subject to a maximum of 50%.
b) From RM750 to RM1500 – up to two funds, subject to a maximum total joint subsidy of 60%.
c) Above RM1500 – up to three funds, subject to a maximum total joint subsidy of 60% or RM1500, whichever is lower.
* It is up to the applicant to apply to multiple funds, if deemed necessary. In the event that only one fund is subsidizing the case, the standard 50% or maximum of RM500 would apply.
** The subsidy contributed by each fund is limited to a maximum of RM500, and the total joint subsidy provided will not exceed the maximum percentage allocated for that tier.
*** The participation of multiple funds and final joint subsidy percentage allocated are solely at the discretion of the funds involved.
4. Priority is given to support an active feeder whom we know in our KTAJ page on Facebook. This is to prevent from fraud from opportunists.
5. For us to help advertise cats for adoption, please email a photo, specific location, age and sex of animals you want to be advertised at 'ktaj.adoption@gmail.com'. Include your FB identification for us to ‘tag’ you in the file that we uploaded in KTAJ Online Adoption House.
We only act as a Rehomer / Mediator / Medium to help advertise and find a new owner for the cats that you want to advertise.
6. Other NGOs (registered or not),Club Pages on Facebook & Fan Pages on Facebook who are able to procure donations on their own page by shouting out to their supporters & fans are NOT ALLOWED to apply for any subsidy from the SCRATCH Medical Fund.
* Individuals who has also shouted out for donations on the pages of NGO/Club/Fan pages as mentioned above are also not qualified to receive any subsidy from the SCRATCH Medical Fund.7. All application forms and receipts must reach us within 14 days of issued.
** Individuals believed to have connections to the groups mentioned above ie. founder,admins,active volunteers) are also not qualified to receive any subsidy from the SCRATCH Medical Fund.
1. Cats eligible to be neutered must have attained the age of at least 4 months and above for females and 5 months for males. Cats must weigh at least 1.5kg but NOT more than 4.5 kg.
2. All sterilization appointments should meet SCRATCH date and time specified. You need to bring the cats personally for neutering at the clinics stated.
3. Cats must be healthy and NOT pregnant.
4. Cats to be neutered should be put on fast for at least 12 hours BEFORE surgery.
5. All cats are to be taken home by rescuer on the same day after successful surgery.
6. In the event of complications after surgery, please let us know and you are required to send the cat to a vet for further tests.
7. Neutered Male cats must be caged for at least 5 days and 7 days for Spayed Female cats for the wound to heal before releasing it to its original place or delivered to their new owners.
8. Please monitor the cats that has been neutered from time to time.
Financial assistance and subsidies from SCRATCH currently depend on the fund available.
SCRATCH policy will change without notice from time to time, depending on the cases in a particular situation.
Other NGOs (registered or
not),Club Pages on Facebook & Fan Pages on Facebook who are able to
procure donations on their own page by shouting out to their supporters
& fans are NOT ALLOWED to apply for any subsidy from the SCRATCH
Medical Fund.
* Individuals who has also shouted out for donations on the pages of NGO/Club/Fan pages as mentioned above are also not qualified to receive any subsidy from the SCRATCH Medical Fund.
** Individuals believed to have connections to the groups mentioned above ie. founder,admins,active volunteers) are also not qualified to receive any subsidy from the SCRATCH Medical Fund.
All application forms and receipts must reach us within 14 days of issued.
SCRATCH has the right to cancel or withdraw assistance immediately if
there is a proven fraud or information provided by the applicant is
found to be false.