Shafeeqa wrote to us :
Tuesday, 17 July 2012 - 7.53pm
Dear KTAJ,
My husband and I just moved in with my mother @Jalan Kubah Bukit Jelutong in March 2012 as we can't afford rent & she got extra rooms in her house. I just started a new job almost 2 months ago after being unemployed for few months. My husband Mr T is still unemployed & looking for work. Since leaving here, we saw lots of stray cats at the back of the alley of my mum's house. We decide to feed them with cats biscuits & the rest of the neighbors fed them with rice & chicken,fish etc. After sometime, we started seeing kittens, one of the female cat gave birth to 4 kittens, I think 2 males & 2 females. We used to have 3 cats before we moved here. They are now with my mother in law back home. Because of that, my husband decide that we should help them. I'm writing to ask for subsidy of the neutering & sterilization of these cats. We do not know if they have any sickness but none of them have any scratches, wound or anything like that. Mr T have given them names but they don't actually come when we call, they ran away & also they scratch/bite. At the same time, few weeks ago, Mr T when to the neighborhood 7 Eleven to buy ciggies, but he came home with a female kitten. She was chasing mosquitoes & flies to have for dinner. Mr T took her home & decide to name her "Little Miss" - white, brown & black. The rest of the cats & kittens are "Black Beauty" - all black female kitten, "Debab" - brownish male kitten & most chubby hence the name, "Sylvester" - male kitten looks like the one from TV cartoons, "Cinderella" - look exactly like Sylvester but a female kitten with crooked black tail, "Mama" - brown black female cat & lastly "The Mutt" - brown black male cat. At the moment, almost all these cats & kittens are caught by Mr T, me, my mum & my relations just hours ago as we borrowed a big cage from a friend so we can put them in there until we receive a feedback from you. Also to make sure that "Mama" don't get pregnant again. We however, didn't manage to catch "The Mutt", he's too vicious for us to catch. He keeps attacking "Little Miss" & she keep on peeing & pooping everywhere after that because she's scared of him. We can keep just some of them but not all of them. My mum is not very fond of pets. Attached are the photos & forms. So if you could please help us & let us know. Thank you.
Together with this email, Shafeeqa attached the photos of those stray cats.
Black Beauty - female |
Cinderella - male |
Debab - male |
Lil Miss - female |
Mama - female |
Sylvester - male |
We agreed to give 100% Neutering Subsidy to these cats.
Shafeeqa made an appointment with Klinik Kembiri Setapak, and 4 cats had been spayed/neutered on 29 July 2012.
Lil Miss still groggy after surgery |
Lil Miss' incision |
Cinderella still groggy after surgery |
Cinderella lost his boybits |
Debab after surgery |
Debab in Daddy's arms |
Debab lost his boybits |
Mama's incision |
Subsidy given to spay/neuter these 2 female + 2 male cats is RM240 using our SCRATCH Fund.
Thanks, Shafeeqa for supporting stray cats neutering.
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